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Monday, August 10, 2020

Best food for Glowing Skin

Want to have beautiful glowing skin, but you think it just about skincare. Oh, no, it also what you will eat so you do not believe that beauty comes on the in and outside so today I will give you my top five tips for skin foods

 My five tips for glowing skin foods are:

1. Stop buying food Just somewhere do it by yourself, why? processed food has a lot of other ingredients inside Which your body doesn’t need because it is so important what you eat because it goes through let say eight meters of your gut system and be sure something is sticking into your body So you don’t even have to think about what you put on your skin with a full percentage of the body area, These body area which passes things your food definitely gets stuck into your body and it affects every single cell. In particular also your skin cell and if this gets affected you aging much faster, so processed food means mixed cooked combined with different kinds of preservatives conservatives are of sugar, why do this? Buy your own food and eat at by cooking yourself Or actually raw or really just combining things you love and do it by yourself if you don’t have the time I will go to the grocery store and look for things which are prepared just cooked just Stir-fried but not breaded. So, for example, I love to eat fish.

Skinfood If you bought this in a local grocery store because it nothing added. It fine it did not have anything else. No breading. No extra sugar I always look at the labels on the back. Look at the Carbohydrate intake and this one is always in Europe labeled with 100 grams you Guys in the states you have to be careful because the labels are sometimes per serving size could be tricky because sometimes it a spoon Sometimes it a cup. Sometimes it whatever so it not normed in Europe. We have it normed, so it is kind of much easier to combine or compare food. So, 100 grams and carbohydrates sugar are here less than 0.5 which is great. You should look at labels and never eat food higher than 5 grams of sugar if it is really labeled there So look what it is?

If you bought, Of course, go to farmer markets or go to your local grocery stores, therefore, you also can push the local business and I love mushrooms, but it so important, they are great for your immune system and which is great for the immune system, Of course, is great for your skin as well and of course, I love them because they are really good for digesting and So important also because they are high in zinc But it important Were you getting they from so always look from the original? Country because it is important. So maybe it somewhere around you look for local things There are anyway so much better.

2. Snacks, but I know it so important to know what you eat in between Your big meals and a lot of us just talking at the phone and eating stressed eating or even your bored and eating why you are eating think before you take something in your mouth. Remember? It is going through your gut system It is affecting each cell and therefore also your skin cell. So what I love I love Almonds, Why almonds because they are high in protein They have a great source all sorts of different minerals And I love to throw them in these plastic bags or any kind of other bags to carry them So every time I am Little bit need something. I need something I am eating an Almond ten of them because I know I love I would probably eat the whole package if I would pack even worse I try to minimize this and Take like 10 or 15 each day. It great and Guys not Glazed not stuck with sugar not funny caramelized with sugar Even not roasted and wet best actually also not even salted so well Raw the best so please Instead of choosing this snacks, which is we just pure sugar and bad for your skin Also don’t choose raisins right people to think oh I have that good. It a dried Raisin as a dried grape. Yeah, but it dried. So, the water and everything is taken away. The rest is just sugar pure sugar. It means, therefore, you love it because it is sweet. And the Almonds is better.

3. Olive oil let say unsaturated oil. So, what does it mean of course flex seed oil is best because it has the most Unsaturated fats inside, what does it mean? Unsaturated think about binderies so let say the binderies are like octopuses and taking away all the oxygen so all the free radicals, so the free radicals are kind of small let to say molecules, which are harming your Cells so you know this because you’re using for your skincare the regime probably like vitamin C or anti-oxidants during the day But guess you have so much oxygen therefore antioxidant you so much free radicals or in your body. You want to get rid of and therefore we love Omega-3 with binderies, a right which are taking away these oxygens Therefore Neutralizing them. Yeah, but guess what else can’t often? Its biochemistry is taking away these binderies Oxygen exactly and the Sun so when you ever buy Olive oil never buy it in looking through bottle why? Guess exactly UV is entering, already destroying all the unsaturated fats all the good About fats get destroyed. So why using them, no buy a bottle with olive oil which is Covered even by a foil or something that is not looking through very important and now some I have been on Seaside of Ibiza and as I said, I got olive oil there were standing forever in the Sun Honestly, you can’t take any other oil cheap oil you don’t have to pay a lot for good olive oil so if you buy olive oil, make sure that it well covered always close it. So, if you keep it open Oxygen and your UV are destroying the oil so it useless Okay, so olive oil and the right package.

4. So what you drink not just what you eat. So a lot of people I see in the morning because I’m commuting I’m taking actually the train and I see them already in the morning with their kind of coke or kind of energy drinks and a cigarette Okay, let keep the cigarette up. Let talk about energy drinks. There is no energy except that They are taking the energy from you because the most thing is sugar. So, you get your glucose level up your insulin level up and then You fall into a big hole and you are totally tired.

Why doing this sugar is?

Caramelizing so how does sugar works? It a big molecule. It is big Caramelizing your cells and we said everything destroying your cells is bad for your skin and therefore Lets you eat, and you do not want this. So therefore if you drink something to try to drink water if it’s really too boring for you and a little bit fresh lemon to add a little bit of orange inside add a little bit of Lemon juice inside even make cucumber It so much better than everything else and just look at labels don’t say because organic and pure and natural means it good if their sugar inside it doesn’t matter where you think the sugar comes from It’s from a cane is very organic? So, Sugar no sugar. So even if you buy orange juice and think you read it. It is something good for you guys If it not freshly present, you re drinking the orange juice right away after pressing Believe me all oxygen all UV Destroys everything inside. There so much sugar inside look at the labels Look at the carbohydrates compare them, and you believe me in orange juice It more than 100 grams most of the time more than 50% as pure sugar. You really need this Year, so stick with the water Then you get okay last but not least.

5. So I love Tomatoes why tomatoes because tomatoes or any kind of Colorful vegetables are high in antioxidants or something. What is Preserving yourselves? What does it mean anti, exactly? against oxygen free radicals so it like a kind of like a protection shields these are antioxidants for yourself, and it does not matter? It on the outside from the inside. So believe me, eating it so important because you’re taking in everything to kind of Protecting yourself, so there was a nice research showing Actually in the Berlin and the university that people who aid or like farmer eggs or free-range eggs Compared with people who ate like this kind of cheap eggs right from stress chicken They showed and the skin with a microscope, they could label the antioxidant level and yes These guys who aid free-range eggs had almost a tenfold higher Antioxidant level than these guys who ate these kinds of very cheap eggs So nowadays, I’m probably buying the most expensive and most Free-range eggs or just going next to my farmer and buying them freshly there so I love eggs of course in a certain amount because they have a high intake of Antioxidants, but they have to be fresh and why tomatoes also have a big kind of a high antioxidant level But tomatoes are actually so much better if you fry them Why because with frying process you get this Lycopene and like is a big Antioxidant, which is protecting yourself Okay. So what I want to say is you are what you eat you can spend tons of Tons of money on skincare if you’re not eating the right thing, that it and in somebody over you probably say, yeah I’m eating so good, but I’m still having bad skin. Okay, I don’t say that just by eating you get a great skin I say it one wheel So it is like a Swiss watch a couple of wheels have to move before the big hand is moving and believe me Skin food or food is a really big one So I hope you like that. I hope you have got a couple of things in your mind So next time take some almonds, by the way, don’t eat peanuts just like this if you really like peanuts take them and then open them, the last tip, I just had them next to me.

 So, I forgot to talk about this, So I said okay, this is something I want to give I wanted to show you as well.

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